R3 Task Order Factory
A simpler, easier and more productive way to manage your IDIQ Task Order proposal responses.
Task Orders are becoming an increasing part of Federal Government Contractor business. The more you bid, the greater the challenges in managing the volume, the spikes, changing teams of participants and the quick turnaround times. The R3 Task Order Factory™ has been specifically designed to help Federal Government Contractors optimize the work of Task Order proposal responses on IDIQs, GWACs and MATOCs.
Put the R3 Task Order Factory to Work for You.
Prime contractors just don't bid enough IDIQ Task Orders. So, they don't win as much business. A big constraint is the time, effort and cost to bid them.
Task Order Factory gives you the means to optimize your proposal responses. It streamlines and automates the work for all participants, including teaming partners. And, it insures that people have real time visibility into the work that is going on with individual IDIQ Task Orders and as part of a portfolio of business.
The Task Order Factory turns a lot of potentially chaotic work into a streamlined operation that produces a quality proposal and enables you to grow your IDIQ Task Order business.
Task Order Pipeline & Workspace
Track all Task Orders across vehicles in a single pipeline as they flow through your process. And, keep the information and work for each Task Order secure and separate in its own workspace. The best of both worlds.Standardized Work that Drives Reusability and Consistency
Drive best practices through standardized process and activities, default teams, and centralized partner information. Leverage centralized proposal assets to drive reusability and consistency.Proposal Development Productivity
Cut proposal time and level of effort by 30% or more. Reuse assets. Drive proposal work assignments to writers and reviewers. Make it easy for them to get the work done with co-authoring and collaborative commenting on documents, activities and task orders.Instant Visibility & Reporting
People have instant visibility into where things stand and can drill into the details. You get real time reports that are graphical, calendar and grid styled to slice and dice information by phase, customer, vehicle, manager and any other way you want.Role-Based Work Made Easy
You can easily control who has access to what Task Orders and what actions they can take. Managers get the benefit of control while other users get a simpler way of working that is tailored to what they need to get done.Flexibility Built In
Flexibility is built in with unique features such as the Design Canvas and Configuration Wizards. This enables us to easily adjust the Factory to meet your processes and way of working during implementation. And, it empowers you to make changes on your own.How You Benefit
- Easier to track opportunities and make sure things don’t fall through the cracks
- Eliminates lots of manual work
- More efficient – reduce cost and cycle time by 30% or more
- Enables you to bid more and win more
- Ability to scale your proposal operations
- Ability to support spikes in Task Orders
- Drives reusability of proposal assets
- Drives higher quality output because there is more time to focus on it
- Ability for everyone to know what is going on – real time
What It Is
- Off-the-shelf software solution, with built in flexibility
- To track Task Orders and optimize productivity of Task Order response work
- Runs on top of Microsoft SharePoint on premise, in a private cloud, or in R3 Online
- Secure system with role-based access to support internal and external participants
A Better Way to Work
We just put the work of the user first. The R3 Task Order Factory is a virtual workplace. Users shouldn't have to go somewhere to access information and get work done. So, they don't. Our Task Order record views bring everything to the user. The information, features and role-based actions are all at their fingertips. It seems obvious. But, most information workers just don't have it this easy. We simply make it a whole lot easier for people to do a much better job.

Customer Success Stories
See how other Federal Government Contractors are building their Task Order businesses.