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Mid-Tier General Contractor Conquers High Volume AEC MATOC Task Order business
Winning Task Orders on IDIQs is challenging and competitive enough. But, it is extremely challenging and competitive in the construction industry. As a Prime General Contractor you have to work with a vast sea of construction subcontractors, locally based, to deliver bids that are won on lowest price technically acceptable terms. This article will describe […]
WinCenter customers driving C&P success in different ways
By design, most software vendors assume that their customers will use their software in the same way. This is not the case when it comes to GovCon capture and proposal (“C&P”) management. There are some obvious reasons for this. Organizations are at different phases of their lifecycle, they have different approaches, processes and technology, and, […]
Eliminate productivity gaps with Salesforce–SharePoint Connector
Over the last 10 years both Salesforce and SharePoint have grown to dominate their respective markets. Salesforce is the premier CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution. SharePoint is the premier CMS (Content Management System). Many organizations have adopted both tools. In our work with Federal Government Contractors it is increasingly common for larger customers to use […]
Graduating Small Business Leverages R3 System to Propel Growth with IDIQ Task Orders
Companies moving into the mid-tier of GovCon are moving into no-mans land. The Government has tracks and advantages for large companies and small businesses. But, mid-tier organizations are on their own. It is a challenging place to compete and operate. In fact, in a recent study it was found that 61% of GovCon companies that […]
Automating the Bid & Proposal Budget Request Process Using R3 My Work
In this article, we will review how a customer has leveraged R3 My Work to automate their Bid & Proposal Budget Request process. I provide a brief overview of the customer’s situation and the solution. Then, we provide a 16 minute video that will explain it in detail and show you the process in action. Customer […]