GovWin IQ Auto-Import Connector for R3 WinCenter

The R3 GovWin IQ Auto-Import connector will bring opportunity data and documents from GovWin IQ into R3 WinCenter. You select opps in GovWin IQ and the connector takes care of bringing the opportunity into WinCenter and updating the information when changes occur in GovWin IQ. No hassles, no retyping, no checking for updates.

You now have a smooth and efficient way to manage opportunities through the full GovCon BD lifecycle from opportunity identification all the way through award. Users in WinCenter do not need to have GovWin IQ accounts to see the most recent GovWin IQ data and documents. All of the work you need to do for BD, capture and proposal development can now be done in WinCenter. Everyone has visibility across the full BD lifecycle.


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How it Works

It is very simple to get GovWin IQ opps into WinCenter.

Step 1: Mark a GovWin IQ Opportunity

You find an opportunity in GovWin IQ and click the “Web Services Download” option. The opportunity will then be added to the GovWin IQ web services download. WinCenter then takes over. Behind the scenes it will import the data and documents. It will then continue to update information.


  • You can specify the import/update time schedule whether once a day, every hour or even every 5 minutes.
  • All GovWin IQ users can mark opportunities. They all flow into a single download location. When the opportunities are imported the user that marked it will appear in WinCenter.
  • If you are using TOONS (Task Order Opportunity Notification Service), those opportunities will be available to mark and import.
  • You require access to the Deltek GovWin IQ Web Services API.

Step 2: Push into WinCenter pipeline

When opportunities are initially imported into WinCenter they are effectively in Phase 0 of the Opportunity Lifecycle. You can work on them there in Phase 0, say to make an Interest Decision.

Then, when ready, you use an action to push them into the formal WinCenter pipeline (typically Phase 1-5 of the GovCon lifecycle). WinCenter will create the opportunity workspace, populate the data and make the documents available. You can then work the opportunity through the lifecycle. New GovWin IQ documents will be automatically imported and updated in the WinCenter opportunity.

Video: GovWin IQ and Opportunity Lifecycle Management



This video walks you a full Opportunity Lifecycle when using the GovWin IQ Auto-Import connector and WinCenter.

We'll show you how the connector works to feed opportunities into WinCenter. And, we will walk you through some key features of WinCenter used to manage the opportunity lifecycle and to get BD, capture and proposal development work done.



Got questions?

For more information on the R3 GovWin IQ Auto-Import Connector for WinCenter, click here to contact us.

Go to WinCenter product page.