Account Management for GovCon

The “just right” add-on for business development activity.
For most of our Federal Government Contractor customers, a full-featured CRM system such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics is overkill. It is too much. It has too many unused features, it is expensive and it adds another silo to their work environment.
What they really want is just a slice of a CRM. They want just a few key features to support tracking their Business Development activity. We provide this with the R3 Account Management add-on. It gives our customers just the features they really want for BD work. The main features of the add-on are:
- Accounts – master data, documents and information per account
- Contacts – contact data, documents and information per account
- Activity – ability to log activity and see activity from various perspectives
- Reporting – configurable reporting on master data, account influence and activity
Add-On for your R3 Work Environment
Just drop the add-on into your R3 work environment. It adds central account and contact master data and lets you track all of your BD activity. You can use Account Management in all of our solutions: WinCenter and Task Order Factory to win business, Contract Management, and, Program Management.
Solution Details
Account Management add-in
Just drop the R3 Account Management add-in into your R3 work environment. You can then leverage it from within any R3 solutions. Here we show the account management features on the BD tab in WinCenter. You have a choice of different features to put at the fingertips of users. Instantly, WinCenter users can access accounts and contacts, contribute activity, and, view activity from various perspectives.
Account Record View
The Account Record view brings everything together related to each account. It has the basic account data and contacts. In also has all of the activity logged for the account and any contacts within the account. And, it supports related account documents, related opportunities and collaborative commenting.
Contact Record View
The Contact Record view brings everything together related to each contact. It has the basic contact data and all of the activity for that contact as shown here. And, it supports related documents and collaborative commenting.
Activity Management
You can quickly log your activity with a contact. You can relate your activity to contacts, opportunities, accounts, and type of activity. The activity can have already happened or be a task for the future. Here we are showing all of the activities for the Air Force Materiel Command.
Rich Document Management
You have rich document management features when working in record views for Accounts, Contacts or each individual Activity. You can manage documents along with collaborative commenting about documents as shown here.
Account Contact Influence
It is easy to leverage your account and contact data. Here is the Account Contact Influence display. You can search for Accounts. With one click you drill down into the contacts for an account. You’ll see the influence that each contact has on the account. One click to print or export to Excel or PDF.
Customizable Reporting - Sample Influence Report
Understanding the influence of your contacts on customer accounts and opportunities is an important part of capture activities. This report shows the influence of contacts within Defense accounts. Influence is tracked by levels such as 1, 2, 3. It also has color indicators (Green, Red, Yellow). Using this report you can see the relative influence that your contacts have within their organizations. One click to drill down into the specific contact list for each organization. This is just one example of many reports that you can create using the R3 Report Wizard.