The Easy Way to Enhance SharePoint to manage Proposal Development work

Many GovCon organizations use SharePoint for proposals. Generally, they use SharePoint to store documents and manage documents along with supporting information related to proposals. This is a good start. In addition, SharePoint has the ability to organize information by “sites”. A site becomes a way to secure documents and information as a group. So, separate […]

Noise of unproductive proposal development work

The cost of Unproductive, Error-Prone “Noise” Surrounding Writer and Reviewer Assignments

In a recent article we described the “noise” problem of proposal development (see Improve RFP Proposal Development Productivity by eliminating the “Noise” of Work). This “noise” is all of the administrative activity and manual work in support of the real work that matters. It is distracting, unproductive, and provides lots of room for errors and […]

Proposal Development Console - Hub and Spoke Model

Optimize Proposal Development Work with the Lohfeld WinCenter

The Lohfeld WinCenter brings immediate benefit to organizations by consolidating multiple tools and resources into a single integrated system for GovCon business development. It becomes the system of record for capture and proposal information and activity. However, just because it is an integrated system doesn’t mean that it is monolithic (like most other systems of […]

t Console for SharePoint

R3 Releases Proposal Development Console for SharePoint

Many GovCon organizations use SharePoint for proposals. This works well for storing and managing documents and providing security on a proposal by proposal basis. However, it does not make it easier to manage the work of proposals. In fact, it can make the management even harder and less efficient because the proposal sites become silos […]

IDIQ Task Order Management v3.1 Released for SharePoint 2013

Many Federal Government Contractors are taking advantage of the opportunity to win business through Task Orders as a Prime contractor on IDIQs and GWACs. However, this way of winning business can be very challenging to manage. The CorasWorks IDIQ Task Order Management solution provided by R3 Business Solutions gives you a comprehensive system to manage […]

Proposal document reuse

Making it super convenient to reuse proposal assets

If we could only get our people to know about and use the wonderful proposal assets that we have created for them?  So, you are using SharePoint.  You have created and maintain a nice central repository of proposal assets. Your proposal teams are also using SharePoint to work on proposals.  Yet, it seems like people […]

Business Solutions for Federal Government Contractors

GovCon Solutions on SharePoint to Win, Deliver and Manage

In my first post, I provided an intro to R3 and our focus on business solutions for Federal Government Contractors.  In this post, I’ll drill down a bit deeper to talk about our solution categories and specific business solutions. Our business solutions serve what we call “the soft center of the GovCon workplace”.  They are […]