
Deliver Featured Image


Congratulations, you won!  Now, how do you manage the work to insure that you are successful in delivering the results to the customer and your organization?  R3 Deliver solutions address the challenges associated with managing the sheer volume of activity that goes with delivering Federal contracts.  Success depends not just on your performance of the work but also on how effectively you manage the details of how the work gets done.

We take a more open, modular and flexible approach to our Deliver solution set.  Over the years we have found that each organization requires different solutions for different contract/program scenarios.  For instance, corporate may require a top down oriented solution to manage core contract information and program activity.  Whereas, a Program Manager managing an agency specific IDIQ will require a bottom up solution with end-to-end functionality.

Through our Deliver solution set and the flexibility of the CorasWorks on SharePoint open application platform we are able to meet these varied needs and custom requirements at far less cost than proprietary solutions or custom development.


GovCon Program Management

R3 GovCon Program ManagementGovCon Program Management is challenging work because of the structured requirements of Federal contracting and the fact that contracts/programs are almost always different.  We provide a purpose built solution that includes the common core needs of contracts/programs but is designed to be unusually flexible and configurable to enable you to tailor it to the specific needs of the program.

The solution can be used to address a number of different scenarios ranging from centralized program management, to a single multi-award IDIQ program where you manage the winning and the delivery of task orders to single-award contracts with a high degree of customer interaction.

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Program-Management-375x380This solution is designed to meet the needs of the Program Manager for a single, multi-award IDIQ.  It provides the Program Manager with an end-to-end system that manages Winning task orders through the Delivery of the task orders.  The solution integrates elements from the IDIQ Task Order Management solution and GovCon Program Management to support the end-to-end scenario.


Customer Portal and Customer Contract Consoles

Program-Management-SupportThis add-on solution enables you to work with your customers in a secure and interactive online environment.  It controls the experience of customers and allows you to interact with them such as publishing CDRL deliverables and performance data and receiving and responding to requests.


Subcontractor Portal and Subcontractor Contract Consoles

metaljigsawThis add-on solution enables you to work with your subcontractors in a in a secure and interactive online environment.  It controls the experience of subcontractors and allows you to interact with them to manage the work that is getting done such as receiving updates required for CDRLs, performance data, and, two-way requests and data calls.



Integrated Project Management and Performance Work

manage systemProject work is the detailed work that goes on at some level to support most contracts and programs.  It is where the tasks, resources, and issues are managed.  Our solution for this level of work is to support a range of solutions that integrate with our other Deliver solutions.  The reason is that this work and the tools used vary widely within every organization, and, there are many to choose from.  Some of the supported solutions for integrated Project Work are:

  • Native integration of SharePoint project sites
  • Native integration of enhanced SharePoint project sites (by you, 3rd parties, or R3 leveraging the our open application platform)
  • Native integration with 3rd party providers of project management systems on SharePoint
  • Custom integration with Microsoft Project Server
  • Custom integration with 3rd party external project management systems (on premise or SaaS – Software as a Service)
  • Custom integration with 3rd party external systems that support project work such as Financial Systems/ERPs, Resource Management, and Time and Billing/HR.