Government contract record view – One view of contract data, documents and related work.

Government contracts are core to the business of Federal Government Contractors. Each contract changes throughout its lifecycle. And, the “contract” is a whole lot more than just one document. It is the information and the work. It is data and documents and activity information. Most organizations have this information all over. They have contract data in spreadsheets, databases or lists. They have documents in file shares or document content systems like SharePoint. They track work in spreadsheets. And, work activity and communications are in email with dates to track in Outlook.

To get a complete picture of where things stands you need access to all of these pieces of information from different places. Then, it takes manual work to bring the information together to have all of the information at your fingertips.

R3’s Contract Management for GovCon solution has a Government Contract Record View that does this work for you. It brings together all of the information into one view – in real time. It makes it productive, convenient, more controllable and easier to get contract work done.


What information do you need?

Here is the main information that is made available for you in our Government Contract Record View.

Core contract information

  • core contract data
  • contract documents with version history and commenting
  • notes and collaborative commenting
  • action audit history

Extended GovCon Contract Information

  • Key FAR/DFAR clauses
  • CLINs
  • Contract Deliverables (CDRL)

Related GovCon Contracting Information

  • Contract Modifications – each with its own data, documents and process
  • Subcontractors and Subcontracts – in support of this government contract
  • Contract deliverable action items – the actual deliverables that are in process

Below we show you a screenshot of a Government Contract Record View. It has tabs for the information. We are showing the documents for the main contract.



Controlled Access Brings Security and Productivity

Bringing all of this information to the user in a single view is very convenient and productive. This is particularly important for GovCon because many people across the organizations need to use this information on a routine basis. Having all of the information available in one view, in real time, keeps everybody on the same page.

A key aspect however is that people have “controlled access” to the information. This means that while they have access, it is controlled. What they see and what they can do is controlled by role-based setup. Because of this you are able to allow people to have direct, real time access to the information. This means that it is more productive and effective for the users across the organization. And, it increases the productivity of the contract management people because there is a great reduction in information requests that need to be responded to.


See It in Action

If you want to see how this works, then view the video below.


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